The fine folks at NewsTalk 103.7FM hosted us for a lively interview where we discussed the shift of power in DC, our exciting expansion plans, range upgrades, and the upcoming training schedule! Listen on SoundCloud! We have also taken in, and moved, a lot of new,...
Pat Ryan from NewsTalk 103.7 interviewed us about hot topics, including “Ghost Guns”, Training, and more! Want to catch us live? We are usually on the 2nd Thursday at 7:40AM and 3rd Saturday at 8:00AM every month! LISTEN HERE
A lighter radio visit where we discuss our Holiday Specials and upcoming events! Our Bronze, Silver, and Gold Members get early access to our Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Sales! Listen HERE for more details!
In this installment we discuss upcoming events, including our FREE Children’s Safety Class! We also cover Holiday gifting ideas, getting the right firearm for YOUR needs, and more! This was a fun segment that will keep you updated on “What’s...
Being your own First Responder was the main topic covered in response to the recent hurricanes. You are much more likely to need, and know how to use, a med kit than a gun. We can teach you how to use both! Nov 2nd STOP THE BLEED+ and Handgun Fundamentals I will get...
Learn about us, what we do and how we do it! Crazy Bob from 101.5FM provides an in-depth interview with Noreen, Carl, Robert, and Nyla (Range Safety Dog)! We cover a bit of our history, training philosophy, customer service, and why we should be your First Stop Gun...