What’s New at Hill Top Arms

New, Used, & Consignment Arrivals

While we have been busy with range upgrades, we have added a lot of new inventory as well! We have a great selection of AR15s, Shotguns, Rifles, and Handguns (including a S&W M&P9 Collector's Kit). Visit the "STORE PAGE" for a sampling of all the great deals...

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New, Used, and Consignment Inventory Arrived!

We have taken in a lot of new and used firearms over the past two weeks and are working on getting everything posted to the STORE PAGE! Our selection includes some very affordable defensive pistols, several very nice AR-15s (including a piston system Ruger SR556),...

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Holiday Rush! Holiday Hours!

Holiday Rush! Holiday Hours!

We have been busy keeping our shop inventory stocked with giftware and our normal great selection of quality defensive firearms, holsters, and training aids! Stop in for a cup of coffee and catch up with what's new or let us help you find the perfect gift (or gift...

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Hill Top Arms & Range

410 N. Grant Street
Waynesboro, PA 17268

Contact Us

Phone Number

(717) 749-3000




Tue-Sat 10AM to 6PM