Handgun Fundamentals Level I


Handgun Fundamentals Level I training class. No phone reservations will be accepted. Class tickets are $200 (plus a small surcharge) and NON-REFUNDABLE. Please sign up at:

Handgun Fundamentals I Registration

See below for class info:

The classroom portion will be held at 9:30 on Saturday at 69 W Main St.

You must be able to attend both the classroom portion and one of the available Live Fire sessions on Sunday or Monday

At Hill Top Arms, we are passionate when instructing our clients about safety, the shooting fundamentals and the responsibilities associated with becoming a firearms owner. Shooting is a fun sport. However; we understand that most of our students are in class so they can be able to safely protect themselves and their loved ones. The first portion of Handgun Fundamentals Level 1 is a Saturday morning group class that covers just about everything you need to know about firearms and how they function as well as all the fundamentals of shooting. We teach practical fundamentals that will help you develop both strong marksmanship and defensive skills. The classroom portion lasts about 4 hours.

Our hands-on instruction differs from most other training courses and instructors. We don’t throw 15 students on a firing line and shout “Go ahead, Shoot! You’re doing fine!” At Hill Top Arms, we are dedicated to teaching you the skills you need to operate a handgun safely and accurately. We believe that one-on-one individualized live-fire instruction is essential for establishing solid shooting fundamentals. We will continue to provide guidance and mentoring up to the level of training each student has taken with us with no additional training fees (range fees, ammo not included).

When you come for your 1-hour training session, a dedicated trainer is there waiting for you. We start everyone on laser training to work their fundamentals. This helps new shooters to become comfortable with the mechanics of shooting and also gives the instructor time to assess and start fine tuning the skills of those with more experience. Not needing to worry about the gun going “bang” helps to keep everyone 100% focused on fundamentals. Usually we work for about 5 to 15 minutes on the laser simulator. We are then going to get you on the range and begin training you on our 22lr caliber handguns. Your instructor will be watching you for safety and making any adjustments to your fundamentals as needed. We encourage you to bring your own handgun as well, so we can train and familiarize you with its functionality. This is the gun you’re going home with, and we want to be sure you know how it feels to shoot it with all the new skills you’ve just learned. Ammunition for your personal firearm is the only thing not included in the cost of the class. The hands-on portion of Handgun Fundamentals Level 1 is approximately 1 hour long. Class space is limited. Sign up early for best available time slots.